13 - Typographic Christmas cards...

Friday, October 26, 2012

A sneaky look at the typographic Christmas cards I've been working on...

Alfies Studio Typographic Christmas cards.
Typographic Christmas cards...
I'm pretty excited about these as quite often I just want to send something un-fussy that will stand out on a mantel-piece. I think these are it.

I had a lot of fun photographing them too and would quite like to put the tree up already now I've had the decorations out. I think the whole decorations thing is going to be more hassle than its worth this year with Eve though, she has her eyes on anything shiny, I think she's going to be worse than a cat for having it all in pieces. 

Christmas decorations for photographing the card project
Decorations. Oh so pretty...
It's been pretty strange having Christmas songs in my head in October while I've worked on these but its put me in the mood for some crisp cold weather. Please snow soon....

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