As a teenager I was fascinated with abstract art (and surrealism and anything else that was non-conformist - teenagers are great like that aren't they?) and truly in love with the work of Jackson Pollock.

The kinetic freedom of it, the perceivable tightly measured passion. Where some see splats and dribbles, I saw magic. I set about reflecting the spirit of Pollock's work on my phone. Literally (that phone didn't even store phone numbers let alone have the capacity to create something on it!). To me it was a daily reminder to seek freedom, passion and to be bold.

That love has never gone away. At times buried by new finds or inspiration drawn from life, but like the warmth of putting on a cosy jumper as the sun drops and the air cools, the work of Pollock calls again. An antidote to wholly computer based design, a small slice of freedom in the lockdown times of Coronavirus. And so, The Jackson was created.

Available in two colour ways. Summer / Autumn is a mix of hot pink and vibrant orange (because nothing says warm times more than those colours, right?) and Winter / Spring (seen above) is a mix of a deep forest vert and a vibrant fluro green that is reminiscent of fresh Spring growth on pine trees. Each and every card hand painted and one of a kind. There is a third choice too, a wild card if you like. The Naked Jackson.
I should have probably gone with something more refined like "The Jackson Canvas" but the chosen title feels a bit more alluring. I want you to be seduced by the simplicity of it. Then I want you to experiment and let your inner Jackson loose. No paints? No problem. Coffee or tea will work just as well. Really. It's a thing. Coffee painting. Look it up. Or look below for a little experiment in Pollock inspired coffee painting.

Cards available here. Coffee not included.
Jackson Pollock images from Encyclopædia Britannica:
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jackson-Pollock/Legacy#/media/1/468051/31095 (jp)