We managed to see "The Grand Budapest Hotel" last weekend (thanks to the in-laws for babysitting).
I can't help but feel pulled around by my emotional split on this film. On one hand there is the fondant icing facade (literally in the case of the hotel, just look at those colours...) but delve deeper and there is a historically relevant and really quite sad story.
The story is an obvious fabrication (being that Zubrowka isn't even a real place) but the occupation of the hotel by the military and some of the sub-plots were certainly quite truth bearing. I could honestly sit and watch it as a silent movie anyway and not worry about plot. The level of detail creates a visual feast and as a designer I am in awe of the job that Annie Atkins did as lead graphic designer. I feel a Mendl's inspired wedding invite suite on the horizon, the sugary sweetness of it all is too tempting not to.
You can see Annie Atkins work above, visit her site http://annieatkins.com/ to see more of her work
Images via: creativereview.com | fastcodedesign.com | annieatkins.com/
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