We spent a week in North Wales at the beginning of the summer holidays. Its taken me this long to post about it. I have been laid up with a pretty savage chest infection for the best part of a month and am only just starting to feel better. Violin music moment over, I just wanted to add a foot note to the absence of new posts lately.
I have lots that I want to share. Lots of adventures had considering we only had a week and two of us were poorly (Dominic had the same thing I've had and coughed himself sick every night, I had the same trouble minus the sick, that an average night it's been taking around 40 mins for the coughing to settle when trying to sleep - yuk). I actually burst in to tears and had a melt-down on the beach of all places, it was that kind of poorly (anyone else had a melt-down in a public place they'd care to share?). Despite all that we found some really beautiful moments and have started to find a narrative that is more fitting of the life we want to carve out for our family than the one we have been living lately. It was always the plan to continue to adventure when we had kids but one thing and another has led us away from that path. We are slowly finding our way back home with it all. Some of the highlights are shown above and I'll be featuring more detailed posts over the coming week or so.
A couple of posts lined up for the coming week or two as well as holiday narrative - an interview with Andrea from Baker and Bell and some pictures from my birthday adventure getting to be Katniss Everdeen (even if only for an hour, sigh).
Hope you are all having a great summer holiday and managing to get the back to school shop out of the way without too much drama.
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